UCF Partner Project – Joyland Orphanage Eggery

In late 2012, Stan Kontos and Peter Gardiakos privately visited the Joyland Orphanage near Silay City in the Philippines. On their return, UCF decided to ask local business people to partner with UCF to raise $25,000 to attend to some pressing needs such as water, a new (used) car, finishing work on the verandah etc.

In addition it was decided to fund the building of an eggery to provide income to help Joyland towards self-sustainability. Whatever you may feel about caged-egg production, in the Philippines theft is rife and there is no alternative. In fact Joyland have two guards on the premises every night.

A plan is “hatched”

As it turned out, guests at the Joyland fundraising breakfast were very enthusiastic about the Joyland Partner Project and the $25,000 was raised. In January 2013, Peter Gardiakos “donated” his birthday and earmarked an extra $5,000 to Joyland from the funds donated to UCF in lieu of gifts. That brought the total to $30,000 and every cent was spent providing much needed replacement utilities and the building of the eggery.

How your Joyland Partner funds got there

Since Joyland were auspiced through ACC International Relief (ACC-IR), UCF agreed to receive copies of those 6-monthly acquittals rather than ask for a separate acquittal of funds. The auspice was necessary because UCF’s legal structure requires us to distribute funds to Australian registered charities with Deductible Gift Recipient status, known as DGR1. Joyland already had a project account with ACC-IR and this seemed to be the logical solution though they charge an administration fee as all auspicing organisations do. These fees amounted to $2,608 in total.

Welcome to Joyland

How the eggery stages were funded and built

Vehicle, verandah and water tank – January 2013

  1. Provide a vehicle (used) to help ferry children – $8,000
  2. Finish the verandah on the dining hall- $2,000
  3. Upgrade water system – $2,000
    TOTAL $12,000 AUD


UCF Directors’ visit to Joyland Orphanage – January 2013

During January Stan Kontos and his wife Ourania, together with Peter Gardiakos and his partner Rita, visited Joyland Orphanage to meet the older children who would be appointed to manage the eggery.

Stan and Peter also provided mentoring to Erwin (CEO, pictured with his sister), John Mark (Operations Manager) and Reylee (Finance Manager) who would all be responsible not only for the eggery, but also collecting, sorting and selling the eggs to customers nearby.

A business plan was created and as each stage was funded and then completed, Pastor Rick Sutcliffe would send some photos and an application for funds for the next stage.

Eggery construction and first “egg machine” – March 2013

  1. Construction of the eggery and purchase of the first egg machine which is 96 hens – $4,000
  2. The water upgrade completed and a new tank as well – $2,500
    TOTAL $6,500 AUD


Purchase two more egg machines plus weather proofing – July 2013

  1. Purchase and installation of two egg machines (192 hens)
  2. Purchase of eggery screens, tarpaulins and labour costs
    TOTAL $4,350 AUD

 Final egg machine and automatic watering system – March 2014

  1. Purchase of final egg machine (96 hens)
  2. Installation of an automatic watering system for the eggery
    TOTAL $2,500 AUD


Fire Alarm System (government requirement) – June 2014

  1. Synchronised fire alarm system for 6 primary buildings – $1,500
    TOTAL $1,500


Residual funds payment – September 2014

  1. To repair the garage and incorporate an egg sorting/storage room
    TOTAL $542





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