Work Injured Resource Connection Inc. (WIRC)

Freezer for Emergency Food – Adelaide
Work Injured Resource Connection (WIRC) began in 1996 when the founding members gathered to discuss their common experiences and difficulties with the South Australian WorkCover system. It was begun with the aim of providing injured workers with information, knowledge and support as they attempted to regain control of their lives, and understand the system in which they found themselves trapped.

The Bags of Love Emergency Relief project was given this name to reflect what is very much required by many work injured South Australians.

SIDS and Kids SA

LINE 1 Crisis Response – Adelaide
Formed in 1977 by a group of parents who tragically had their babies die from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), this group worked tirelessly to raise money to fund research in to SIDS and, based on research, promoted the safest way to sleep babies.

Today they continue to promote their safe sleeping message which has resulted in an 83% drop in the rate of SIDS and still support 50 new clients every year that suffer the tragic loss of a baby or child that has died suddenly and unexpectedly.